luni, 13 octombrie 2014

Jenkins no tty

When running a jenkins job which does a sudo command in a script, some errors occurs related to failed authentication.

A possible fix for it is:
- add user in sudoers without password (or use ssh keys)
- on redhat systems (including centos) we still get:
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

To solve it , comment the line in /etc/sudoers using visudo :

Defaults requiretty

luni, 6 ianuarie 2014

Ubuntu update asks for cdrom

There are some new updates in Ubuntu.
Happy you want to install them.
But a strange messages raises asking to insert the release cd in /media/cdrom.

How to solve it:
- start Update Manager
- click Settings button
- on each tab verify the all cdrom mentions to *NOT* be checked. If are, un-tick them.

I had it on 2nd tab - Other Software on first line, not on first tab Ubuntu software.