It organizes as: TestSuite having TestCases having TestSteps. In TestSteps it can have among others: Properties, SoapRequests and TransferProperties.
Properties can be set also by using a text file. They are used like: ${username} in SoapRequests.
On SoapRequests can be added Assertions (verifications on expected results). Notice "Contains" and "Not Contains" ones.
TransferProperties allow to transfer values from one place to another, eg: get values from one test case response and use them in other test case request.
They consist of:
-source definition - from where to get value
-target definition - where to store it
-usage - see Note 1).
How to
Example of using SessionId in different requests:
-create a project from a wsdl, eg Soaptopupsuite53480.wsdl
-generate the TestSuite for all requests with 1 TestCase for each request
-double click on openSession Test Case
-add TestSteps: one of type Properties before the Test Step of type (Soap)Request and one of type PropertyTransfer after it (they can have any name)
-create a text file lines:
-edit TestStep of type Properties and load it from file.
-edit TestStep of type PropertyTransfer and set as in Note 1).
-edit SoapRequest as:
-Add an Assertion of type "Contains" set to "sessionId"
-run the TestCase (not the TestStep)
-notice in TestSuite (!) property used for Transfer that the value is set with a session id.
-open TestCase setSubscriberInfo
-edit the TestStep of type (soap)Request
- fill like:
- fill it with the other needed values
-run the TestCase - it runs successfully.
1)TransferPropertis example:
-add place where to store the value of property
-- click on Test Case - on left botton appear 2 tabs
-- click on Test Properties
-- add a name, eg pt_sessionID - nothing set to Value (we'll set at runtime)
-source definition:
Source: OpenSession request - property Response - field: declare namespace soapns='';
//soapns:openSessionResponse[1]/session[1]/sessionId[1] (note: in SoapUI free need to manually edit)
for response:
-target definition:
Target: TestCase - property -the above property name, eg pt_sessionID
-usage :